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Celebrate Care Day 15 February 2019

Anne Longfield the Children's Commissioner for England holds a placard saying Celebrate Care Day
Anne Longfield pledged her support for Care Day in her podcast interview conducted by our young people

Care Day aims to change people’s negative perceptions of the care system by celebrating the achievements of people in care and acknowledging and building on their rights.

We have been working with a group of young people to promote, celebrate and support Care Day 2019. 

This Care Day we are

  • Kick-starting conversations with a Speak Up event organised with the South West Fostering Service’s Young People’s Group in Gloucestershire
  • Rallying the care experienced community their allies and corporate parents with an event organised in Durham with our children’s participation ally, Investing in Children.
  • Co-creating a unique series of podcasts called Care to Listen. In this powerful series, we hear first-hand experiences of what it is like to live and work in the care system. We hope the podcasts will help to dispel some myths, reduce stigma and support positive change. You can listen here
  • Campaigning by re-broadcasting our 2017 film, which asked for a Care Day to shine a light on the care system.

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